Modern Infosec Practices for the Digital Workspace

Holly Grace Williams, Managing Director at Secarma Limited, shares infosec strategies for the modern workspace, including tools and practices for making remote or hybrid work more secure.

Ryan Purvis
1 min readOct 21, 2021

From my Digital Workspace Works podcast. Please enjoy the episode and show notes: Podcast Link: Holly Grace Williams, Managing Director at Secarma Limited, shares infosec strategies for the modern workspace, including tools and practices for making remote or hybrid work more secure. Adapting security to remote working, why VPNs aren’t magic, building a career in infosec and more on this episode of DWW. Our guest this week is Holly Grace Williams, Managing Director at Secarma Limited. Holly has thirteen years of experience in leading information security teams. Her early career was spent in the military working in roles such as Site Security Officer, although she now works with a wide range of organisations delivering penetration testing, information security consultancy, and strategy guidance. She holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Information Security from Cardiff University.



Ryan Purvis

I enjoy learning and sharing what I learn. I’m actively involved in AI, Machine Learning and Bot projects. Opinions are my own.